H2020 Consortium Agreement Background

The Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme is the European Union`s flagship programme for research and innovation, with a budget of almost €80 billion for the period from 2014 to 2020. The main objective of the programme is to drive economic growth and create jobs in Europe by funding cutting-edge research and innovation projects.

One of the key requirements for participating in H2020 projects is the creation of a consortium agreement. This is a binding legal document that outlines the rights and obligations of all the parties involved in the project. The consortium agreement serves as a framework for collaboration and helps to ensure that all participants are aligned on the project`s objectives and expected outcomes.

The consortium agreement is usually signed by all the participating organizations, which can include universities, research institutions, SMEs, large corporations, and other stakeholders. The agreement typically covers several key areas, including:

1. Project objectives and scope: The agreement should define the project`s objectives, expected outcomes, and any specific research or innovation activities to be undertaken.

2. Governance and decision-making: The consortium agreement should establish clear rules for decision-making and governance, including the roles and responsibilities of each partner, communication channels, and conflict resolution procedures.

3. Intellectual property rights: The agreement should address how any intellectual property generated during the project will be managed and shared among the partners.

4. Funding and financial management: The agreement should outline the funding amounts and sources, the budget and financial management procedures, and any reporting requirements.

5. Dissemination and exploitation: The consortium agreement should cover the dissemination and exploitation of the project`s results, including any publications, patents, or other forms of dissemination.

Creating a consortium agreement can be a complex and time-consuming process, as it involves negotiating and agreeing on key terms with all the participating organizations. However, the effort is well worth it, as a well-designed and executed consortium agreement can help to ensure the success of the project and maximize its impact.

Overall, the consortium agreement is a critical component of H2020 projects, as it establishes the rules of engagement for all participating organizations and helps to align everyone on the project`s objectives and expected outcomes. By taking the time to create a comprehensive and effective consortium agreement, project partners can help to ensure that their research and innovation efforts are successful and impactful.

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