Contract Act Notes Llb

Contract Act Notes for LLB: All You Need to Know

If you are pursuing an LLB degree, you must be extremely familiar with the Contract Act, which is a fundamental part of Indian Law. The Contract Act is studied in the first year of the LLB course, and its concepts and principles are widely applicable in the legal field.

In this article, we will guide you through the essential Contract Act notes for LLB students. From the definition of a contract to its types and elements, we will discuss everything to help you understand the subject better.

Definition of Contract

The Contract Act defines a contract as an agreement that is enforceable by law. In simple terms, it refers to a promise made by one party to another, which is legally binding and enforceable. A contract can be verbal or in writing, depending on the circumstances, but it must have all the essential elements of a valid contract.

Essential Elements of a Contract

For a contract to be valid, it must fulfill the following essential elements:

1. Offer and Acceptance: There must be a clear and specific offer made by one party, which must be accepted by the other party.

2. Intention to Create Legal Relations: Both parties must intend to enter into a legally binding agreement.

3. Lawful Consideration: There must be a consideration or something of value exchanged between the parties.

4. Capacity to Contract: Both parties must be competent to enter into a contract.

5. Free Consent: Both parties must give their consent freely and without any coercion.

6. Lawful Object: The objective of the contract must be legal and not against public policy.

Types of Contracts

Contracts can be classified into several types, such as:

1. Express Contracts: When the terms of the contract are explicitly stated and agreed upon by both parties.

2. Implied Contracts: When the terms of the contract are not explicitly stated but can be inferred from the conduct of the parties.

3. Void Contracts: When the contract is not enforceable by law due to the absence of any essential element.

4. Voidable Contracts: When one party has the option to either enforce or reject the contract due to some defect or mistake.

5. Unilateral Contracts: When only one party makes a promise, and the other party is expected to perform a specific action.

6. Bilateral Contracts: When both parties make mutual promises to each other.


The Contract Act is a crucial part of Indian Law, and every LLB student must have a thorough understanding of its concepts and principles. The essential elements of a valid contract, its types, and related examples are crucial for anyone pursuing a career in the legal field.

We hope that this article provides you with a comprehensive Contract Act notes for LLB students and helps you succeed in your academic and professional journey.

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