The Law Society number for lawyers and paralegals always consists of 6 characters. Note that a lawyer`s Law Society number contains 5 digits and ends with a letter, such as *****A. A paralegal`s Law Society number always starts with the letter P and ends with 5 digits, e.g. P*****. Click on the name of the lawyer or paralegal to view contact information and information about the regulatory process, information about regulatory history, guardianship and practice restrictions, if applicable. Results for legal/legal services and unbundling are only displayed for independent licensees. Not all licensees chose to enter data for legal/services services, additional languages and unbundling. Email addresses are also displayed only to licensees who have chosen to display their work email address in the directory. If you cannot find a lawyer or paralegal, or if you have any questions about the information in this directory, please contact the Law Society at: This provides an easy point of contact for business consultants and legal procurement departments to gather information about the companies they want to hire. Welcome to the Law Society`s Directory of Lawyers and Paralegals. This directory lists lawyers and paralegals licensed by the Law Society. The Law Society regulates Ontario`s lawyers and licensed paralegals in the public interest and does not provide legal advice to members of the public.
If you are looking for a lawyer referral service or a paralegal referral service, the Law Society Referral Service can help. The directory displays the business contact information of most licensees. The business contact information contained in the directory was provided to the Law Society by the lawyer or paralegal in accordance with its obligation under Bill 8 to notify the Law Society of any change in contact information. If you are a lawyer or paralegal and would like to change your contact information, please use the Law Society Portal. Each list contains the status of lawyer or paralegal. If a lawyer or paralegal has a regulatory history, has limitations in their practice or if there is a guardianship, there is information about that in the directory listing. Email addresses will appear in the Lawyer and Paralegal Directory unless the lawyer or paralegal has chosen not to display their work email address. This directory contains the names of some former Law Society licensees. This includes lawyers and paralegals who have surrendered their licences at their own request, as well as those whose permission has been revoked or granted for regulatory reasons. Information on former lawyers and paralegals is included in the directory for three years.
This is a public directory of OBA members who have registered for this service. OBA members have exclusive access to the membership directory. If you decide to find lawyers and/or paralegals based on location, you can search by address radius and the results will include the licensees closest to the location you entered within a 10 km radius. The results of a radius search by address can be further filtered by distance up to a maximum distance of 25 km. CLEO has compiled this directory of Ontario not-for-profit and charitable lawyers familiar with Ontario`s Not-for-profit Corporations Act, 2010 (ONCA) to help not-for-profit organizations make the transition. While we have asked registered lawyers and law firms to verify their information, CLEO has not verified these lawyers, nor can we recommend lawyers. However, we can give advice on choosing a lawyer. You can choose to search for the full list of names in the directory or just lists of lawyers or entries of paralegals. You can also refine your results by performing an advanced search where you can search by last name (first or last name), bar number, postal code, city or any combination of these. You can also search for lawyers and paralegals who offer legal services in French, who can communicate in languages other than English or French, or based on the areas of law/services they offer. Results for legal/services and unbundling are displayed only for independent licensees who have chosen to view this information. Toronto is a reliable and comprehensive resource for finding lawyers and law firms in Ontario.
To find one of the 25000+ lawyers in our directory, please use the search at the top right, the Find a Lawyer menu option above, or browse our filtering tools below to find what you need. Partners and law firm managers explain how their law firms are adapting to changing client needs Would you like to be on the list? Any member of the OBA can appear in the Find a Lawyer directory. To do this, log in at the top of the “My Profile” page.