A common factor is that these points describe the conditions under which road users can take greater risks. All drivers may overestimate their own abilities or forget that they cannot control the actions of other drivers. Statistics suggest that adequate lighting ensures that conditions are such that they reduce the risk of accidents. Some of our road, road and tunnel projects include: However, intense lighting creates a positive contrast and distinct color. In this method, special street lights are erected to clearly highlight and illuminate intersections. White light with strong color rendering is required. The horizontal illumination in the crossing itself shall be at least 80 lux. In addition, there should be vertical lighting of at least 10 lux in waiting areas and at least 20 lux in each lane approaching the intersection. To ensure adequate lighting while minimizing light pollution, three measures must be taken: the right type of fittings in the right places, proper shielding and the right control systems. Washington State pushes entire streets forward In addition to uniform light throughout the tunnel, it`s especially important to provide enough light in the entrance areas. In order for the eye to have enough time to switch from sunlight to a lower level of light in the tunnel, the lighting conditions in the entrance areas must be better adapted to the daylight outside.
This is also known as adoption luminance. The entrance area is followed by a transition zone in which the lighting level is gradually reduced according to standard requirements. Lighting conditions in Scandinavia vary widely and control systems that automatically adjust light to conditions and traffic are recommended to eliminate energy waste. Tunnel lighting is another area that requires special knowledge and special facilities. Norway has the highest number of tunnels per kilometre of road in Europe and DEFA has been a leader in this segment for many years. It`s hardly surprising that more light leads to increased safety, but with proper lighting, it`s more than a matter of quantity. In order to avoid large differences between different areas and sections of road, it is important to ensure uniform light and the lowest possible glare. This helps the eye adapt and reduces glare caused by wet road surfaces. Proper shielding and placement of fittings at the correct height is important to avoid direct glare and ensure proper light distribution. Fortunately, street lighting is not the main source of light pollution. Recent studies have shown that light from buildings, billboards and other facilities is responsible for about 80% of light pollution in cities and densely populated areas.
One of the main causes of the increase in light pollution could be the so-called “Jevons paradox”. This paradox describes a frequently observed phenomenon in which the availability of more energy-efficient and therefore more cost-effective solutions leads to an increase in lighting use, cancelling out and exceeding initial energy savings. In other words, the market responds to more efficient solutions by using more light and not saving energy. An essential objective of street lighting is to ensure the safety of pedestrians. To do this, the lighting of pedestrian crossings is particularly important. Poorly lit transitions can give a false sense of security and increase the risk of accidents. Poor lighting can lead pedestrians to believe that they have been seen and that an oncoming car will stop when the driver cannot see that someone will cross the road. However, street lighting is rapidly moving in the right direction. Regulations and standards ensure the implementation of suitable and highly professional customers and installers. A key factor is that the state and municipalities have limited resources. As with all public spending, priorities should be based on where and how the funds can benefit the greatest number of people.
Fortunately, we now have a deeper understanding of how best to use lighting to reduce the risk of accidents. This page contains basic street lighting information for Washington State local governments, including relevant laws and legal notices, as well as examples of local street lighting standards, policies, and rates. Every year we provide lighting for a variety of large road projects throughout Scandinavia. Our professionals have unique expertise and experience and are happy to contribute to all parts of your project. We handle projects of all sizes and are often responsible for delivery from A to Z. There is a significant difference between good and bad lighting. There are many factors that need to be considered in order to achieve optimal results. Research has also shown that the following aspects are important to achieve this: We already have an in-depth knowledge of how much light needs to be installed in different places to achieve the desired effect. Quality luminaires are also provided with sufficient shielding. As older light sources are replaced, advanced control systems are often introduced to limit the level of illumination as much as possible. In residential areas, lighting is usually reduced at night.
Tunnels are a particularly challenging working environment. Maintenance and replacement of installations in tunnels can be particularly demanding and costly, as they can result in the closure of one or two lanes. Choosing the right equipment is the best way to avoid unnecessary costs. Tunnel lighting should also be cleaned regularly to remove soot and dust. In recent decades, much research has been done on the relationship between street lighting and accidents. Some consistent findings are that street lighting: Raised lighting involves the installation of fixtures on both sides of the intersection. These shall be placed at the same distance from the intersection as the height of the light source and shall provide sufficient light for at least 50 m in each direction. The light itself must be white and provide accurate reproduction. The purpose of this solution is to create a negative contrast.
In order to increase safety, specific guidelines have been established for the lighting of pedestrian crossings. The goal is to make intersections and pedestrians as visible as possible. This can be solved in two slightly different ways. In both cases, the goal is to create maximum contrast with the background. This can be achieved by: In addition to these effects, light pollution must also be considered as an economic problem. Excess light is a waste of money. Avoiding light pollution should therefore be in everyone`s long-term interest. Fortunately, limiting light pollution from the street and street lighting is simple and inexpensive. In our daily lives, however, a more immediate concern is the effects of light pollution on our sleep patterns. The researchers are particularly concerned about the white light from LED lights.
White light contains more blue, causing the brain to produce less melatonin, the sleep hormone. Several studies have shown that light pollution from street lighting and street lighting can cause sleep disorders and insomnia. Paradoxically, it can also lead to more tired drivers and have a negative impact on road safety. The positive effects of street lighting must always be weighed against the costs of infrastructure, maintenance and energy consumption. For good results, the selected valves should be energy efficient, durable, easy to install and maintenance-free. It is also advisable to use control systems that ensure that no energy is consumed as necessary. The objective for all public lighting is to offer an optimal level of safety and accessibility for all. However, the right solution must also be cost-effective and energy-efficient and minimize light pollution. To ensure that all these objectives are met, experience and expertise are required. The transition to LED lighting over the past 10 years has reduced the amount of electricity we use to produce the same level of light by 70-80%.
The development of LED technology is progressing rapidly and products are becoming more and more efficient. Our own Elite floor lamp is a great example. Elite is one of the most widely used luminaires on the market and has been updated several times since its launch in 2014 to achieve ever greater efficiency. We are in the process of launching new editions that are 25% more energy efficient than the previous generation. Can cities temporarily close roads to motor vehicles and allow streets to be blocked by pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles and for? The fact that well-lit roads and paths reduce accidents is well documented in a number of Norwegian and international studies. Proper lighting can also improve accessibility and help create environments where people feel safe and comfortable. However, ensuring a proper street lighting and street lighting solution requires much more than just adding more luminaires. Maintenance-free fittings that can withstand the northern climate can help reduce costs throughout the life of the system and ensure that light always bifurcates as intended.