The Indian government recognizes and categorizes medical tourism as niche tourism. State support for medical tourism is reflected in the introduction of a special visa category for this segment in the form of medical visas. The research reviews existing literature to identify factors influencing medical tourism in a region. The results of the literature reviewed are listed in the introductory section of this document. The first step was to use the results of the literature review and the contributions of the focus group to propose a framework for the development of medical tourism in a region. The second stage study uses the SERVQUAL method to assess the case region on five dimensions of quality of service. Cham et al. (2021), in their study of Chinese medical tourists in Malaysia, analyzed country-specific factors (country knowledge, safety, accessibility and price adequacy) and social factors (word of mouth and social media) as significant predictors of Malaysia`s image as a medical tourism destination, which in turn influence perceived value and intention to visit again. Another study provides an extensive diamond-based pyramid framework of regional competitiveness and can be adopted for the medical tourism sector in a country (Moirangthem & Nag, 2020).
Ghosh and Mandal (2019) cited in a study on India that quality of treatment, quality of medical services, spending on medical tourism, medical tourism infrastructure, attractiveness to destinations, target culture, and ease of access increase satisfaction and loyalty of medical tourists. With a Hoz-Correa et al. (2018) stream of service quality, this study extends this survey to understanding the dimensions of service quality for medical tourism, particularly for India. The study highlights the importance of quality of service in achieving operational excellence. India`s image is faded due to the poor performance of the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic and may affect the export competitiveness of medical tourism. It is essential to assess the quality gap and take corrective action to remain competitive. Does informed consent have to be given and documented in the language of the patient`s primary language? Do providers need interpreters to explain procedures and general medical care if necessary? Where such rights exist, the medical tourist and his/her travel companion should understand the circumstances in which they arise and the limits of the scope of the power conferred on a substitute decision-maker. What forms and procedures are required to establish such a support decision-maker? If you do not find the prescribed conditions satisfactory, you should never sign the agreement. If you chose a package through a facilitator, be sure to protect yourself by ensuring that medical expenses include coverage for all costs for possible medical complications. The consent form provided by the hospital should reflect the same thing. Learn about your rights to legal action and be sure to read the agreement carefully before signing it.
If you are not aware of your rights and sign the agreement without going through the terms listed in the agreement, you may regret your decision to seek treatment abroad in case of complications. Other practical considerations exist with respect to the exchange and provision of medical records to providers outside the country prior to treatment. Are certain parts of the patient`s historical medical record necessary to authorize and ultimately perform care and procedures (eg. e.g., diagnostic tests, imaging tests or medical history and physical scoring of certain diagnostic codes/medical conditions according to the International Classification of Diseases)? A patient travelling for medical procedures should also inquire about whether and how patients have the right to appoint a substitute decision-maker if, at some point in the process, the patient is no longer able to express their preferences for care. Foreign nationals holding a business visa or work visa in India can apply to convert their visa to VM if they get sick, cannot travel, and need specialized medical treatment in India. A visa change may be necessary if the person loses their status, for example if they have a work visa and the visa expires. These individuals receive a VM provided they meet all the criteria to be eligible for MV and can present a medical certificate from a public or state-recognized hospital. In such cases, the principal applicant`s eligible members could apply for an MX, which is normally granted for simultaneous termination with the principal applicant`s VM. The VM and MXV carry a note indicating that employment or business is not permitted.
In summary, the study first identifies the factors and enablers of medical tourism in the region, and then uses the focus group contributions to map them. The study then uses SERVQUAL to find the quality gap. The summary of the research methodology used in the study is presented in Fig.