Legal Aid Center Kuala Lumpur

This was an important step for the Bar Council, which has been working tirelessly for such a government initiative for many years. YBGK will do something to address the lack of legal representation for detained citizens. Of the approximately 100,000 citizens arrested each year by the police, 80,000 are not legally represented. This is an unfortunate statistic when article 5, paragraph 3, of the Federal Constitution stipulates that any citizen arrested may be consulted and defended by a lawyer of his choice. In partnership with LAC, All Women`s Action Society (AWAM)/Women`s Aid Organization (WAO)/Sister`s In Islam (SIS) is creating a platform for students to better understand women`s issues and to be able to appreciate and answer these questions. These organizations deal with various issues affecting women, such as domestic violence, divorce proceedings, gender discrimination, etc. While AWAM and WAO deal with issues affecting women of all religions, SIS focuses on issues affecting Muslim women and Sharia issues. Overall, this program exposes students not only to legal issues that affect women, but also to various social issues that affect women. Before the start of the service, students participate in a training course where representatives of each NGO inform them of their respective tasks when they begin their service in their respective clinics. YBGK addresses both of these issues because its goal is to help every imprisoned citizen at every stage of the judicial process. This includes their arrest; their pre-trial detention procedure or whether they have been charged and there is an application for bail; and mitigation of the sentence after an admission of guilt.

The Community Legal Clinic is a program in which students (with the advice of experienced lawyers) provide legal advice, support and assistance to the public regarding issues related to marginalized communities. The service is currently available Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Legal Aid Centre or by phone for initial applications. The service also includes sensitization and legal awareness sessions regarding the community`s rights to abuse, arrest, remand and bail. The community we serve here is a target audience in the following areas: (a) sex workers; (b) people living with HIV/AIDS; (c) drug addicts or reformed drug addicts; (d) transgender persons; and (e) lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex and queer. The Selangor Legal Aid Centre (LACS) was originally established to care for the poor and needy and to ensure that they have a one-stop shop where they can obtain impartial legal advice and/or representation. Over the years, the objectives and work of the LAC have been expanded, with education, awareness and public awareness campaigns becoming other focal points.

Students, especially those from the legal community, are invited to participate in this program, where they are exposed to the activities of the center through ongoing programs. Included programs include: ➢ Legal Aid Centre (“LAC”) walk-in clinic (where clients are interviewed and advised by student rooms) ➢ Dock Brief Program (where room students file mitigation and bail applications for those who have pleaded guilty) ➢ Penitentiary Program (where students conduct interviews with prisoners in rooms) ➢ Joint program with non-family organizations governments (NGOs) such as All Women`s Action Society Malaysia (“AWAM”), Women`s Aid Organisation (“WAO”), Sisters in Islam (“SIS”), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (ÜNHCR), Tenaganita and Pink Triangle Foundation In addition to the above programs, students must participate in the day-to-day management of LAC, participate in various training courses offered by LAC, and conduct research on various legal issues. Attached students have the opportunity to participate in the program for one week or up to two (2) months. At the end of the attachment program, each attachment student receives a BAC certificate. – represent, protect and support members of the legal profession in Malaysia and adequately promote the interests of the legal profession in Malaysia; In order to achieve our ongoing educational goals, LACS offers a series of training programs for room students, the main objective of which is to instill a sense of social responsibility in our students. LACS believes that the impact of these educational programs will be significant, as ethics is one of the core values of students throughout their careers, whether in private practice, in government legal services or in business. LACS also provides training to practising lawyers through a variety of specially designed programs. Thus, LACS has a large pool of volunteers covering various areas of practice such as family law, criminal law and labour law. This allows many volunteers to gain additional knowledge and understanding of judicial review and labour court. – To maintain and improve the standards of conduct and learning of the legal profession in Malaysia; The establishment of YBGK is only the first step in ensuring that in the event of imprisonment, every citizen receives legal representation.

However, the continued success of this initiative depends on the participation of more lawyers. The LAC prison programme is aimed at non-Malaysians over the age of 18. As part of this programme, students visit prisons and interview non-Malaysian detainees over the age of 18 and support them with the legal aid they need. The areas supported by KLLAC are pre-trial detention, bail, mitigation, litigation and appeals with the assistance of volunteer embassies and lawyers. * Suspects facing the death penalty (death penalty) may apply to the High Court of Malaysia for free legal representation under the Public Defenders Programme. In addition, LAC regularly conducts legal awareness programs. These programs have proven to be very popular, as evidenced by the overwhelming response to various events. This has enabled LACS to achieve its desired outcome of increased awareness of individual legal rights and the availability of legal aid to the public. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the public often gather and participate in peaceful gatherings and gatherings. These assemblies and assemblies are held with the intention of expressing their concerns and opinions on various matters affecting the nation. Very often, these peaceful gatherings and gatherings are met with unjustified incidents of mass arrests and detentions of members of the public. Most those arrested and detained often do not have access to a lawyer and are unaware of their rights and opportunities under the law.

In view of these circumstances, the Legal Aid Centre of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Council has established and provided an “urgent arrest service” for all those arrested and detained during these gatherings and gatherings. The Emergency Arrest Service consists of legal advice and assistance provided free of charge by lawyers trained and equipped with knowledge and expertise in the field of arrest and detention. The Urgent Arrest Team will communicate and negotiate with authorities and provide legal advice, intervention and representation to detainees and detainees. They will also inform families about the process of arrest and pre-trial detention.

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