The Human Rights Legal Support Centre is one of three agencies that make up Ontario`s human rights system. It provides legal assistance to Ontarians who have experienced discrimination that violates the Ontario Human Rights Code and who wish to file a human rights complaint. The Human Rights Legal Support Centre website provides information on how discrimination is defined in the “Code”, how Ontario`s human rights system works, and fact sheets and tips on how to prepare and apply for help. The Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC) provides human rights advice to people across Ontario who have experienced discrimination that contravenes the Ontario Human Rights Code. Our services may include legal assistance in filing applications with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) and legal representation in mediation and hearings. SHARE: A new program that provides free and confidential legal information to all workers who have experienced sexual harassment or assault in the workplace This video guides Indigenous peoples through everyday discrimination scenarios at home, shopping and at work. It contains information about the Ontario Human Rights Code and how to get free legal aid from the Human Rights Legal Support Centre. The video is a joint project of the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres and the Human Rights Legal Support Centre, funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario. Do you have questions about your human rights during the COVID-19 pandemic? Call us for free legal advice Steps to Justice Steps, led by CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario), provides comprehensive online information on common legal issues facing people in family, housing, employment and other areas of law.
Request an OHRC-initiated application, inquiry or intervention: The HRLSC provides free legal aid to people across Ontario who have experienced discrimination in violation of the Ontario Human Rights Code and who wish to file an application with the HRTO. Survivors of sexual harassment and violence in the workplace and other special social institutions (e.g., schools, your doctor`s office, campus) are entitled to the protection of the Ontario Human Rights Code. This is in addition to participation in criminal proceedings or as an alternative to a civil action. Complaints of sexual harassment can be filed directly with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. If you want to make a claim, you can get free legal advice from the Human Rights Legal Support Centre. Follow us: | Please note: Since the Human Rights Legal Support Centre serves all of Ontario, it encourages admission through its helpline at 1-866-625-5179 and not by contacting the Human Rights Legal Support Centre in person. Discrimination is against the law! Introduction to Human Rights in Ontario Produced by: Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC) The Centre`s members are members of its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is composed of not less than five and not more than nine members appointed by the Deputy Governor in Council. A Chair is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor to the Council.
Services may be affected in response to COVID-19. Please contact the organizations listed here prior to your personal visit for the most up-to-date service information. Tel. : (416) 326-9511 Toll Free: 1-800-387-9080 TTY (local): (416) 326-0603 TTY (toll-free) Ontario Human Rights Commission 180 Dundas Street West, 9th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2G5 Human Rights Legal Support Centre officers are remunerated as follows: Chair: $566; Member: $375. Police racially discriminate against handcuffed and handcuffed black girl at school To curb the spread of COVID-19, our offices are closed to public visitors until further notice. Our intake lines will remain open and our employees will work remotely. Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario 655 Bay Street, 14th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2A3. Members are appointed for a term determined by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. Phone: (416) 326-1312 Toll Free: 1-866-598-0322 TTY (local): (416) 326-2027 TTY (toll-free): 1-866-607-1240 Fax: (416) 326-2199 Fax (toll-free): Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario: An accessible forum to address anti-Indigenous racism.
Tel.: (416) 597-4900 Toll Free: 1-866—625-5179 TTY: (416) 597-4903 TTY Toll Free: 1-866 The HRTO handles all complaints of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code. The court decides on claims through mediation or arbitration. In criminal law, employment and labour and human rights sexual harassment and sexual violence: Making a complaint to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.