Ecuador Citizenship Requirements 2020

In 1933, Ecuadorian delegates to the Montevideo Conference of the Pan American Union signed the Inter-American Convention on the Nationality of Women, which entered into force in 1934 without legal reservations. [33] The 1929 Constitution remained in force until 1945. [17] The 1945 Constitution introduced the concept of dual nationality for Spaniards and Latin Americans and provided in Article 13 that neither marriage nor dissolution of a marriage had any effect on nationality. [34] The following year, the dual nationality clauses were removed from the new constitution, but they were reintroduced for Spaniards and Latin Americans in the 1967 and 1978 constitutions. [35] In 1995, Ecuador unilaterally allowed dual citizenship, and in 1998, Parliament amended the Constitution to completely eliminate exceptions to gaps in citizenship requirements, although access to civil rights continued to be restricted. [36] Dual citizenshipEquator allows dual citizenship. Do you know which countries here allow dual citizenship or not? On 31 January 2017, the President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, signed the Ley Orgánica de Movilidad Humana (Human Mobility Law). The event took place in Barcelona (Spain), surrounded by more than a thousand Ecuadorian emigrants. The law was published in the Registro Oficial on Monday, February 6, 2017. The new regulation establishes new rules for immigration to Ecuador. And as you will see, Ecuador is one of the most hospitable countries for foreigners in the world, where residency and/or citizenship can be obtained faster and easier than many other options. But before we get into the technical details, let`s get to know the country a little better.

The amended Alienation Act passed in 1921 stipulated that a woman lost her citizenship if she married a foreigner whose country automatically derived her citizenship from her own, or if she left the country. The law allowed a widow to repatriate by declaring to the competent authorities that she wished to regain her Ecuadorian nationality. The wife of a foreign man automatically obtained his nationality upon naturalization or loss of citizenship if he decided to renounce citizenship. However, if she received permission from her husband, she could obtain Ecuadorian citizenship separately from her status. Similarly, an Ecuadorian woman could renounce her nationality if her husband allowed her to do so. [29] According to the 1929 constitution, children born in the country were Ecuadorian, regardless of the nationality of their parents. Legitimate, legitimate or illegitimate but legally recognized children born abroad to Ecuadorian parents in the service of the Government were also nationals, as were children of the same categories born abroad to Ecuadorian parents who then chose Ecuadorian citizenship and established their residence in the country. [30] The naturalization or renunciation of a father automatically changed the nationality of his minor children, although they may renounce or acquire Ecuadorian nationality at the age of majority by following established legal procedures.

[31] A married woman was unable to change the nationality of her children under the 1929 Constitution. [32] Ecuador has concluded tax agreements with Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, the Czech Republic, Venezuela, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Singapore, Switzerland, China and Uruguay. You can check them at If your plan is to stay in Ecuador for the rest of your life, it`s probably a good idea to get citizenship. The process is quite easy to navigate, and the pros far outweigh the cons. Foreign citizens who have the right to apply for citizenship through a letter of naturalization must have resided continuously for at least three years and must not have resided outside Ecuadorian territory for more than 180 days per year as a permanent resident during these three years. However, check the policies of your home country. They may not allow dual citizenship, which would mean you would have to choose one citizenship or another. Do you want to move to Ecuador? Apply now to and our immigration experts will contact you.

This is the case if a citizen has obtained his Ecuadorian citizenship through a letter of naturalization and his son or daughter was born outside Ecuadorian territory, in which case his child can obtain Ecuadorian citizenship by naturalization after the presentation of the identity documents of the child and the father or mother naturalized in Ecuadorians. It recognizes the right to exercise universal citizenship, which includes the protection of the State for the mobility of a person with the intention of remaining temporarily or permanently at the place of destination. Despite many rumors to the contrary, one is IN FACT STILL ALLOWED to have dual citizenship in Ecuador under the Ecuador Citizenship Law, regardless of the other country of which he/she is currently a citizen, even if his/her country of origin has something to say about it. But really, since the U.S. and Canada have always been entirely “spiced up” on this topic for all my clients, in my experience, this is not at all a problem for American citizens, Canadians and most other compatriots. And it is the same for everyone, depending on whether he/she will later apply for Ecuadorian citizenship, again after the first three years of his/her permanent Ecuadorian residence, as citizenship cannot be applied for before this time. On the one hand, traveling to North America, the Schengen area or Australia requires a prior visa application. On the other hand, the Ecuadorian passport is one of the few in the world that allows its holders to travel to China and Russia without a visa requirement.

According to the index of visa restrictions, the Ecuadorian passport ranks 58th out of 104. As one may be curious, the benefits of obtaining citizenship in Ecuador begin with the fact that you are eligible to obtain an Ecuadorian passport (provided that you meet the requirements of the Ecuadorian passport that were easy to meet at the time). In this way, how to get an Ecuadorian passport, which in turn allows you to travel only to another country in South America, without the passport of your other country of origin that you would otherwise need if you were only a resident of Ecuador. This is very convenient because in this case you will no longer need a visa to visit another South American country if you have your Ecuadorian passport (or only Ecuadorian Cedula at that time, which would also show that you are a citizen of Ecuador). In addition, as an Ecuadorian citizen, whenever you need to transfer your permanent residence visa as a resident of Ecuador to your new passport, you will no longer have to present or prove your qualification for permanent residence (whether your previous residence visa was originally by investment, pension, university degree or marriage/birth). And of course, if you happen to randomly select an investor visa from an Ecuadorian bank CD or Ecuadorian real estate for your permanent residence visa qualification, once you are an Ecuadorian citizen, you can automatically liquidate or sell that asset and issue it at will.

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