Can I Use Two Names Legally in India

How can I change your name legally in India? (3 simple steps) Go to your local notary and make an affidavit about changing your name. Submit it to your respective district court before a judge or notary. The affidavit must mention the current name and the desired new name and may briefly mention the reason for the name change. The affidavit must be presented on an extrajudicial stamped paper of minimum value. You will need to complete a declaration known as pro forma, which is the next step in legally changing your name. This request can be obtained from the publishing department of any state Dear Querist, as explained, your grandfather uses different names on the documents. It would be appropriate to get an affidavit explaining the name your grandfather wants to use, and then publish the same article in the newspaper. After three months, your grandfather can legally use the name. This affidavit serves as an affidavit with several names. The affidavit “the same person” can be used by the applicant who has different names in the documents and wants to prove that all the names belong to the same person. Wherever there is a problem, he can make his affidavit in which he says that the two names are one and the same and that one is read like the other to avoid confusion. These are two different names, so it is advisable that he makes an affidavit, duly notarized, stating that he is known by both names and that both are one and the same thing, if necessary, it can also be published in the publication of the Official Journal.

Yes, you can change your name legally. This is a very simple process that you need to follow. According to Indian law, people are free to change their name at will. However, there are a few limitations listed below: It is quite common in India nowadays to change a name. While every person has the right to change their name, it cannot be done for the wrong reasons, such as escaping their own responsibility, impersonating someone, running away from a crime, or deceiving others. Although there may be valid reasons to opt for the legal change of a name. The article was written by Tejaswini Kaushal, a student at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow. This article tries to explain the step-by-step process of legally changing one`s own name in India for various reasons. PAN card name changes may be required for a variety of reasons, including marriage, misspelling of names on PAN cards, name changes, and other situations. Online name changes for PAN cards are feasible, and the process is simple and can be completed by completing the pan card`s online name change form at the Tax Information Network (TIN) or National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). Over time, it becomes less necessary to change the names of one`s own children or children.

Since some of your official documents may have already been issued, changing your name in India can seem like a long process. The most important official document is the birth certificate. It is necessary for national tests, medical examinations, school transfers and job changes, among other things. If other laws and amendments are adopted, the list can be further expanded. People sometimes choose to be addressed by a name other than their first name. The process of changing one`s own name to legal use is of the utmost importance to all ordinary citizens. Even if you ask informally or formally for your family and friends to call you by a new name, you will have to go through the legal process to have your name legally changed so that it appears on all your IDs, documents, certificates of study and other important documents. You can change their name in different ways.

Applications for affidavits may be made by the publication of notices or notices in the Official Journal. Once your name has been legally changed, you will need to update it on all major papers. You must provide copies of the affidavit, newspaper article and Gazette notice in support. Yes, married women can change their name using the same procedure as everyone else. Married women only have to provide a few more details, such as: This affidavit is used to legally change your name on all official documents and post a notice in the Indian Gazette. Overseas Indians may change their name by submitting a document indicating the change of name duly signed by the High Commission or Embassy of India. 1. Let my name appear in all degrees and in documents other than __ If you apply for a public document or service as an Indian citizen, your application will be authorized and issued with your new name registered as the official name. If you choose to change your name using an inadequate or inappropriate technique, it will not be available. Some government agencies, public sector banks, etc.

might reject such a person for false identification. The best course of action if your divorce is still pending is to have your name changed while the divorce is still being processed. In divorce documents, you can request a formal name change, and you can even include it in the settlement agreement. Your new name will be reflected in the divorce judgment or order when the judge signs the final divorce decree or order approving your legal name change. With only the Gazette process remaining, the name change process in India is effectively complete. Your name change will become official after it is published in the Official Journal. For people working for the government, notification of the name change is required. For everyone else, this is not the case. However, it provides solid evidence of your name change. It might be desirable to proceed as it is simply a matter of sending a few articles for publication. A certificate in which the applicant declares that the content contained in both electronic and printed form is similar.

The applicant must duly sign the certificate. The most important element before starting a business is documentation. The following documents are required for online corrections of the birth certificate: You must ensure that the relevant information, including your old and new name, address and the reason why the name was changed, is included in the affidavit of the name change: For example, you can place an advertisement in any English national newspaper such as the Times of India, The Hindu, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, etc.

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