. Students gain an understanding of the meaning, nature and scope of Sharia (holy law). Students will gain an understanding of the primary and secondary sources of Sharia, the higher purposes of Islamic law, and the difference between Sharia (law) and fiqh (jurisprudence). Students gain an understanding of the application of Islamic law in Muslim and non-Muslim countries (such as Australia); and the views of experts in Islamic law on topics such as jihad, terrorism, domestic violence, cloning, stem cell research and democracy. Human Rights and Law from an Islamic Legal Perspective This website has recently been redesigned and offers many benefits, including reduced redundancy of web content, faster loading times, and a more responsive website that can be viewed on all devices and screen sizes. Not all courses are available on all of the above bases, and students will need to check if they are allowed to enroll in a particular course. Post Event – Domestic Violence in Multicultural Faith-Based Communities November message from the Centre`s Director, Professor Mohamad Abdalla. Post Event – 3rd Annual Australian Islamic School Conference Physical and Health Education for the Australian Program Under Our Radiant Southern Cross: Contemporary Art, Islam and the Advancement of Australia Fair Develop students` understanding of Sharia (Islamic holy law) and the meaning and scope of Sharia (dealing with the law, , ethics, morality and spirituality). To enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Sharia and the difference between divine and human laws, and the extent to which Sharia can adapt with time and space. Support students in their understanding of the sacred law of Islam and its application in Muslim-majority countries and non-Muslim nations. Develop students` understanding of the similarities and differences between Sharia and common law. What leadership is not; Islamic and contemporary perspectives?.
International students and students taking this course as part of a graduate program should refer to the home page of the relevant program to determine the cost of delivering this course. Free Public Lecture – Islamic School in Australia – Origins, Contributions and Challenges Kamali, MH 2008, Shari`ah law: an introduction, One World Publications, Oxford Note: This offer may or may not be planned in any study period. For more details, please refer to the calendar. Digital currency: what do we know about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies? STATEMENT TO MEDIA: UniSA Centre for Islamic Thought and Education condemns Finsbury Park terrorist trip to Muslim countries – Interview with Professor Mohamad Abdalla. Please report this issue by completing and submitting the form below. Dylan talks about the role of education and cultural and religious competence through the power of dialogue and relationship building. Develop students` cognitive and communicative skills in order to impart to others knowledge and ideas about the meaning and scope of Sharia (in terms of law, ethics, morality and spirituality) and to give them a deeper understanding of the extent to which Sharia can function in today`s world. As easy as possible; Leadership in Islam – Lexical Perspectives Non-enrollmentTuition fees are determined by the university. To determine the cost of this course, go to: How to determine relevant non-premium tuition. (Opens a new window). Islamic School Initiation Workshops – to be postponed * Full-time equivalent study load.
Note: All EFTSL values are published and calculated to ten decimal places. Values are displayed with three decimal places for easy interpretation. EFTSL*: 0.125 Commonwealth Supported Program (Volume 4A) To determine the fees for this course under a Commonwealth supported program, go to: How to determine your Commonwealth supported course fees. (Opens in a new window) Islamic Finance: Developments in a Changing Environment.