Owning and selling mounts, skulls, or scaly antlers is legal in most states. Major white-tailed states like Iowa and Wisconsin allow the sale of legally taken antlers and scaled mounts. Many other famous states also allow the sale of scales and frames that have been taken legally. In some cases, states prohibit the possession of timber on public land, but agree to own it on private land. In some Western states, there are even certain periods when you can`t own discarded timber. There are many ramifications and nuances of these laws and you should read the regulations very carefully before posting a valuable find on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to check the laws regarding the sale of wood where you live. In Oklahoma, for example, it is legal to sell antlers as long as they are completely removed from the skull plate and the seller presents a copy of the carcass tag as proof that the animal was legally taken. In Missouri, all lumber sales must be accompanied by a line purchase agreement that includes full names, addresses, and a detailed description of the timber sold by both buyer and seller. Q: If I am on a commercial pleasure dive boat and we have legally caught lobsters on board, can we go to a Marine Protected Area (MPA) to dive and be sure we don`t get a ticket when we board? Of course, we would all have filled the lobster products properly and the lobsters would be of legal size and would be transported to a legal area beforehand.
Can the operator of the boat be sure that he will not be quoted? (Rusty B., Montclair) For example, Oklahoma fears that the sale and transportation of European mounts or skulls will diminish the importance of hunting and exacerbate the illegal killing of game, as a rack of high-score white-tailed deer or mule is sold for a pretty penny. States like Oklahoma may also want to keep the sale of frames or timber illegal, just to preserve a certain state of tradition and respect for the actual killing of the animal. Some states have strict regulations against the sale of antlers attached to skulls. States like Oklahoma and California have very strict laws regarding the sale of skulls and frames. Oklahoma has approved the sale of scales because they claim they are not worth as much when sold. West Virginia recently passed a measure to legalize the ownership and sale of sheds. Prior to the law`s passage, it was technically illegal to possess scaly timber, although the DNR admitted that the law was rarely enforced. While a single shed probably won`t sell for hundreds of dollars, dog owners and hunters without ladders will pay between $30 and $50 for a single shed. It is not difficult to find scales for sale on Amazon or EBay. Retail stores even sell overpriced timber.
Selling large quantities of film to the right buyers could earn you a living wage. How much is a deer antler worth? Probably not as much as you might think, especially considering the fact that simply selling antlers from a wild deer can get you into a bunch of federal trouble if you`re not careful. Q: I have a question about who can validate big game tags. In the rules brochure, there is a list of people who can validate/countersign big game marks, but I noticed that there is no mention of county agricultural standards inspectors. Each county has agricultural and standards inspectors and/or agricultural biologists and standards inspectors who enforce California laws and regulations. Would a hunter have the legal right to have his big game medal countersigned by such a person? (Andy R., Escondido) The Lacey Act was introduced by Congressman John Lacey of Iowa and signed into law by President William McKinley in May 1900 to curb growing market-hunting trends. The Act was amended in 1969, 1981 and 1988 to include elements such as logging, non-native species, native plants, and illegal management and equipment operations. A: Just because eBay sells these things or allows you to sell them doesn`t mean it`s legal.
Fish and Game Code, Section 3039 generally prohibits the sale or purchase of any part of a bird or mammal found in the wild in California. Complete antlers, whole heads with antlers, exposed woods or velvet antlers cannot be sold or bought at any time. However, antlers or antlers may be bought or sold from pets that have been made into handmade products or items, or cut into blocks or units to be made by hand. Deer skins can also be sold. The appreciation and worship of white-tailed deer antlers certainly goes beyond us modern hunters. In fact, giant males were used as fodder for Indigenous drawings, explorers` diaries, and confabs from settlers` deer camps. However, it seems that today`s deer fanatics have gone up a notch with an explosive trend to buy and sell antlers of any size, shape and configuration via internet auctions. Do you think states should regulate the sale of wood and head restraints? Visit our Facebook page and let us know what you think! They could have bought a trophy on eBay last week for $250 to $1,800, depending on the size of the woods. A boar mount with flared tusks cost $450. A moose head mount cost only $450, but moose with world-class antlers ranged from $2,590 to $3,999.99. If you follow Craigslist or eBay, you will find that many people buy and sell wildlife parts without knowing that in most cases they can face misdemeanors and a maximum of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine per violation.
It can get worse: if you buy or sell bear parts, criminal charges and jail time are possible. Therein lies the trap: “legally harvested”. Buy or sell an illegally caught deer, and you could be prosecuted for violating the federal Lacey Act (illegal transportation of game across state borders). If you`re wondering if a seller was lying to you or if you just didn`t know the law, it won`t save you from possible prosecution. Again, most states allow the sale of legally caught deer antlers. However, some require meticulous documentation. “That would be illegal,” said Patrick Foy, a Game Warden with the Department of Fish and Game who discovered elk antlers for sale in Northern California on Craigslist and at the end of the week worked a sting to “buy” the antlers and make an arrest for a misdemeanor. As more hunters add scales or “dead heads” to their cumulative pile of wood, some hunters are beginning to wonder why they keep so many priceless “white gold” artifacts they`ve found over the years. For some, they forget the history of how the woods were found or simply have too much wood (if that`s possible) that no longer gives them any aesthetic value. The question is, “Can you sell deer antlers?” I was aware of the trend of hunters, gatherers, and others listing their cherished antlers with deer skulls and long mounts on sites like eBay.
It wasn`t until a few years ago that I realized the scale of what has become more than a cottage industry. And it wasn`t until a friend inquired about the legality of certain transactions that I realized the possible consequences facing timber buyers and sellers. In short, most states allow the sale of antlers and taxidermy mounts from legally caught deer. Q: As I understand it, it is illegal to sell deer skulls, deer antlers or deer mounts in the state of California. I know that eBay is based in California and allows the sale of deer antlers, mounts and deer preparations. Obviously, they make money from selling deer parts online, so how did that happen, and was there any special law to cover that? Was this a decision approved by the California government and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, or did it just happen? (Nate H.) In one recent case, Foy said, game wardens tracked down a fisherman catching salmon, then cured the females` eggs and sold them as bait on Craigslist to other anglers. “It`s not possible,” he said. What you can sell, Wilson said, are deer skins, found antlers and abalone shells if they were found on the beach where no animals are tied up. Some animals caught by those with a fishing license can be sold commercially, she said, but there must be a clear paper trail from start to finish. Another exception, Wilson said, is that antlers carved from a knife handle can be sold legally. Before buying or selling animal parts, contact your local fishing and hunting office, who will then put you in touch with a ranger. Regional office contacts are available under dfg.ca.gov.
It seems like each state has slightly different rules, so it`s best to do your homework before listing or bidding. Scales antlers are different. Some states consider them “forest debris” and have no laws for buying and selling. Other states consider them “animal parts” and place them in the same category as intact shelves. It`s illegal to sell or buy most pet parts in California, Foy said, though it`s become common — and so may seem legal to some — on eBay and Craigslist, thrift stores and antique shops, real estate auctions and pawnshops. West Virginia had a law banning the collection of scaly wood, but this was changed in 2017. This old law was specifically rewritten to clarify the circumstances under which naturally discarded deer antlers can be legally collected, possessed and sold.