Please make sure to include all relevant editable source files with each submission and review. If you do not submit a complete set of editable source files, your item will not be considered for review. For your handwritten text, please always submit it in common word processing formats such as .docx or LaTeX. The Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine publishes recent articles on aspects of forensic and forensic pathology. In particular, the journal supports research that examines the medical principles of care and forensic assessment of persons, adults or children, in contact with the justice system. It is a fully peer-reviewed hybrid journal with a broad international perspective. It is the official journal of the Faculty of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. If a study has not been approved by the ethics committee before starting, it is usually not possible to obtain ex post ethics approval and it may not be possible to review the manuscript for peer review. The decision whether or not to conduct peer review in such cases is at the discretion of the publisher. If the journal you are submitting uses double-blind peer review and you grant reviewers access to your data (e.g.
via a link to the repository, additional information or data on request), it is strongly recommended that authorship of the data is also blinded. There are data repositories that can help you and/or create a link to hide authorship of your data. Legal guardians have obtained informed consent. Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal`s name according to the ISSN list of title word abbreviations, see Presenting your work in a well-structured manuscript and in well-written English gives it the best chance for editors and reviewers to understand and evaluate it fairly. Many researchers find that independent support helps them present their results in the best possible light. Springer Nature Author Services experts can assist you with manuscript preparation, including English editing, development commentary, manuscript formatting, character preparation, translation, and more. The review encourages authors to provide an explanation of data availability in their article. Data availability statements should include information on where to find data to support the results presented in the article, including, where appropriate, hyperlinks to archived datasets publicly analyzed or generated during the study.
Data availability statements may also indicate whether data are available at the request of authors and where data may not be available. • Conceptualization: [full name], …; Methodology: [full name], …; Formal analysis and survey: [full name], …; Drafting – initial preparation of draft: [full name, …]; Writing – Revision and revision: [full name], …; Acquisition of financing: [full name], …; Resources: [full name], …; Support: [full name],.. Individuals may agree to participate in a study, but object to the publication of their data in a journal article. Authors should ensure that they also obtain consent from individuals to publish their data before submitting their work to a journal. This is especially true for case studies. Identification details (names, dates of birth, identity numbers, biometric features (such as facial features, fingerprints, writing style, vocal patterns, DNA or other distinguishing features) and other information) of the subjects studied should not be published in written descriptions, photographs and genetic profiles, unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the subject (or a parent/guardian if the Participant is a minor or legally incapable or legal representative) has given a written declaration of consent to publication. Complete anonymity is difficult to achieve in some cases. Detailed descriptions of participants, whether of their entire body or parts of their body, may result in the disclosure of their identity. In certain circumstances, consent is not required as long as the information is anonymized and the submission does not contain personally identifiable images. Please note that in addition to the above requirements, funding information (as funding is a potential competing interest (as mentioned above)) must be disclosed when submitting the manuscript in the peer review system. This information is automatically added to the CrossMark dataset, but not to the manuscript itself.
Under the heading “Summary of Needs” (see below), funding information should be included in the “Explanation” section. Springer accepts electronic media files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) and other additional files published online with an article or book chapter. This feature can add a dimension to the author`s article, as some information cannot be printed or is more convenient in electronic form. This journal pursues a type 2 research data policy (life sciences). A submission to the journal implies that the documents described in the manuscript, including all relevant raw data, are freely accessible to any researcher who wishes to use them for non-commercial purposes without violating the confidentiality of participants. Please note that standards may vary slightly depending on the review (i.e. single-blind or double-blind peer review) and discipline. Before submitting your item, read the instructions in this section carefully. Open Choice allows you to publish Open Access in over 1850 Springer Nature journals, making your research more visible and accessible immediately after publication. Authors must keep confidential all communications with the journal, including correspondence with direct representatives of the journal such as editors and/or reports from editors and reviewers, unless there is explicit consent to share the information. Before submitting research datasets as additional information, authors should read the journal`s research data policy. We encourage archiving research data in data repositories whenever possible.
The decision whether or not to include such information depends not only on the size of the journal, but also on the scope of the article. Works submitted for publication may have implications for public health or general welfare, and in such cases it is the responsibility of all authors to include relevant disclosures and statements. *) During the first three years after publication. Springer Nature hybrid journal OA impact analysis, 2018. When reporting a study involving human participants, their data or biological materials, authors should include a statement confirming that the study has been approved (or approved) by the relevant institutional and/or national research ethics board (including the name of the ethics board) and certify that the study was conducted in accordance with ethical standards; as set out in the Declaration of Helsinki of 1964 and its subsequent amendments or in comparable ethical standards […].