How to Cite an Act of Law

The following example has been codified in Titles 2, 28 and 42 of the Code, so that it is cited with the public law number. Patents are cited more as traditional sources of APA. An uncodified law (published in the United States Code) must be cited using its public law number and information about where it was published. To cite federal statutes (also commonly referred to as statutes or statutes) in the APA style, specify the name of the law, “U.S.C. (short for United States Code”), the title and section of the code in which the law appears, the year, and optionally the URL. The reference must indicate the printed source, unless an electronic source is given as the official version. When an act is codified in different non-consecutive sections of the Code, it is also cited using the public law number and information on its position in all laws. This template follows this list of items at the beginning of this section in its entirety, as the cited journalist, the Federal Reporter, publishes the decisions of various U.S. district courts.

F., F.2d and F.3d in the above model indicate the journalist and his later series. When you quote a statute, it is assumed that you are referring to the current version of the act. It is only necessary to include a reference to an amending law in the quotation if it is relevant to an item under discussion. To include amending legislation, the original law must first be cited, followed by “as amended” and the citation of the new law. Indicate the name of the amending law only if it differs from the original act. Each state`s laws and statutes are cited in a format similar to federal laws whenever possible. “U.S.C. ” is replaced by an abbreviation for that state`s code, and the headings and sections are presented in the same manner.

However, some state codes use item or chapter numbers instead of or in addition to section numbers, or do not use titles. Most legal documents are cited in the Bluebook style, the style of legal citation common to all disciplines (see Bluebook style in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 2015). The APA departs from the bluebook style for legal documents and uses these templates and templates in bibliographies. This resource lists some of the common legal references that ABS users need to do their jobs, but is not exhaustive. Please note that legal conventions outside the United States may differ. Other legislative documents such as witness statements, hearings, non-legal bills and related documents may also be cited. Your reference list templates (below) may include a URL if available, but the URL is optional. The quotations in the text follow the same patterns as court decisions and cases. ### Here is the change number. If the change was cancelled, add (year canceled) to the end of the reference. from short title, volume of laws (including jurisdiction and year), chapter number, section number (if necessary) Example: Minister of Immigration and Border Protection v Kumar (2017) 260 CLR 367 (Austl.). A law may also have a public number. This is not used in the citation, except in special cases: if the law is not (yet) included in the United States Code or if it is spread over non-consecutive parts of the code. R.S.O. 1990 means Title of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990 [if applicable], Bill or Resolution Number, xxx Cong. (year). Hay and Straw Inspection Act, RSC 1985, c H-2, as amended by an Act to amend the Department of Agriculture Act and to amend or repeal certain Acts, SC 1994, c 38. Court jurisdiction, in parentheses (e.g., U.S.

Supreme Court, Illinois Court of Appeals) If a case was extracted from a library database, refer to the printed version (as above). If the case was retrieved online, provide the direct URL after the country. Example: Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018 (Cth) p. 60.1 (Austl.). If necessary, you can also indicate that you are invoking a law as it was at a certain time. See 2.1.2 for details. The Interactive Games (Lottery Betting) (Cth) Amendment Bill 2018 expands on this point. This quotation refers to federal legislation, the Hay and Straw Control Act, chapter H-2 of the Revised Statutes, 1985, which was amended by an Act in chapter 38 of the 1994 annual regulations. Example: Disability Services Safeguards Bill 2018 (Vic) (Austl.). Cases and court decisions usually contain these elements: when a law is spread over several successive sections, the term âet seq. (Latin for â and followingâ) added after the first section number. It is always in italics and followed by a period.

should be replaced by the Order in Council number, and the page should be replaced by the page number. All executive orders are published in 3 CFR Title above, so 3 always comes before C.F.R. when they are cited. Pope, C. (2010, May 17). What do Americans really believe? [Blog post]. Retrieved The items in a law reference list entry are, in order: change number to Roman numerals, § section number. Minnesota nurses must maintain up-to-date registration in order to practice (Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, 2010). The Anti-Phishing Act (2005) proposed up to 5 years in prison for those who engage in Internet fraud.

The year included is the year in which the law was published in the source consulted, not the year in which it was adopted, amended or supplemented. %20APA%20Style%202010.pdf Again, S. and H.R. are for the Senate and House of Representatives and should be used according to the source of the report. Replace ###-### with the report number. The National Environmental Policy Act (1969) established the Environment Council Note: the symbol § means “section”. To find this symbol in MS Word, go to “Insert” and click Symbol. Look in the subset “Latin 1 supplement”. FR stands for Federal Register. Other elements follow the model of the codified federal regulatory model explained above.

In general, you should identify a law in an APA reference entry by its position in the United States Code (U.S.C.). HR and S here represent the House of Representatives and the Senate and should be used depending on the source of the bill or resolution. U.S. federal court decisions are published in different journalists and therefore have different reference list templates. This template follows the list of items at the top of this section, with the exception of jurisdiction (the journalist`s book, U.S. for United States Reports, contains only Supreme Court decisions, so jurisdiction can be derived). CFR stands for Code of Federal Regulations. “Volume #” must be replaced by the number and ### represents the section number. You don`t need to create a citation for entire federal or state constitutions.

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