Double Vaccination Rules Victoria Construction

The Victorian government has announced that the current lockdown in the Melbourne metropolis will be extended and a curfew will be introduced until Thursday, September 2 at 11:59 p.m. For an overview of restrictions, see the updated constraint table. Here is a summary of the most important changes for the construction industry. Starting at 11:59 p.m. last night, Monday, August 16: The remaining workforce reductions at all construction sites will be removed this Thursday evening, October 21, at 11:59 p.m., once 70% of the population aged 16 and older has received two doses. This means that site operators must complete the COVIDSafe construction declaration before they can return to work. The construction sector FAQ page on has been updated to include information on the closure of the construction industry in the metropolis of Melbourne, the city of Ballarat, the city of Greater Geelong, the Surf Coast Shire and Mitchell Shire. In a further tightening of COVIDSafe parameters for industry to slow the spread of the coronavirus, construction workers will not be able to immediately cross the metropolitan-regional border for work given the degeneration of COVID-19 cases from Melbourne to the Victoria area. We understand that this can be difficult to manage, but we must do our part to keep the industry and its workers safe. The Victorian government`s four-week COVID-19 compliance blitz on Victorian construction sites is ongoing. Ford Campbellfield, Heidelberg Repat, Eagle Stadium in Wyndham and the former Bunnings in Melton will be open for walk-in walk-in appointments for construction workers from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. over the next two weeks.

Ford and Repat locations will reopen for walk-in tours daily between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., while Wyndham and Melton locations will be open for walk-in tours on Thursdays and Fridays between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Pfizer is available to participants under the age of 60. Workers at critical government projects or large-scale construction sites can also travel between the Melbourne metropolis and the Victoria area if they have received a single dose, take an initial test before their first trip, and then test twice a week until they are fully vaccinated. For small-scale construction and land use planning sites at an early stage, a COVID commissioner could be responsible for multiple sites and does not always need to be on site. Public health officials are increasingly concerned about the transmission and exposure of COVID-19 in construction environments. Construction workers are often highly mobile and the risk of the spread of the coronavirus in these environments, as shown by recent outbreaks, is worrying. As a result, the Victorian government has announced that construction workers in Victoria will have to prove to their employer that they received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, September 23. These instructions were issued to minimize disruption to the health care system and maintain current vaccination requirements. The immediate shutdown will be taken to reduce exercise, minimize transmission, and allow the industry as a whole to adequately adapt to the Chief Health Officer`s instructions, including increasing vaccination rates.

Priority COVID-19 vaccination in the construction sector All construction workers must be fully vaccinated by November 13 to continue working. The list of critical state infrastructure has been approved and is also published on the construction sector website. For more information on working in occupied premises and staff limitations, please visit the Construction Industry FAQ page. The next step in Victoria`s roadmap for implementing the national plan will be when Victoria reaches the 80% dual-dose vaccination target, which is expected to be the first week of November. The more Victorians are vaccinated, the sooner we will reach the next goal and other restrictions will be eased. For more information on the roadmap or to book a vaccine, visit the Covid website. When 70% of Victorians have received at least one dose of vaccine, the government will try to increase the number of construction workers on site to 50% when 90% of workers have received at least one dose of vaccine. Comprehensive guidelines have been developed to describe the measures to be taken to create a safe and healthy environment in the best possible way and to identify the measures available in the event of an interruption in construction and construction work due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. People with a medical disability or temporary medical exception for all available COVID-19 vaccines must prove this to their employer and are exempt from mandatory vaccination. There are only a few other exceptions, which can be found in the following guidelines.

Restriction update for Melbourne Metropolitan Area There is a change in restrictions for Melbourne Metropolitan Area. Single parents now have access to child care, whether or not they are licensed workers. Victoria Police will significantly expand their deployment along the city limits to protect the Victoria area. Victoria Area Police will also conduct spot checks. The fine for violating the Chief Health Officer`s instructions is $5,452. Vaccine update As more people are vaccinated, there will be fewer outbreaks and fewer restrictions. All Victorians are encouraged to book their vaccination by visiting the website or by calling the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398. Group bookings are now available on the website. Major construction sites and critical infrastructure projects you will find here a summary of the most important changes for the construction industry. The Construction Industry Guideexternal link is available on the coronavirus website and provides employers with information about COVIDSafe plans, record keeping requirements, industry commitments, and what to do if you have a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your workplace.

For more information, including applicable exemptions, see Worker Vaccination Requirements. The Victorian government`s COVIDSafe restart of the construction industry begins today. To work on site, all workers must continue to have a licensed worker permit and have received at least one dose of vaccine.

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