Defy All the Rules

To resist means to openly refuse to do anything. You can defy the rule of non-costume in the classroom when you wear your fairy wings to school, but don`t try to defy the laws of gravity unless you can actually fly. Flight crew members are stationed throughout the arena to enforce safety rules. They also help in case of injuries. Each team starts the game with an equal number of balls and players. Two teams go to opposite walls. The game begins when a flight crew member signals that they need to start. To eliminate a player, you need to hit him with a ball or catch a ball he has thrown. The first team to completely eliminate the opposing players wins. No headbutts or unsportsmanlike behavior – THIS IS AN IMMEDIATE EXIT. When you are hit – YOU ARE OUTSIDE. When a ball you throw is caught – YOU ARE OUT. When you cross the middle line – YOU ARE OUTSIDE.

If the referee calls you – YOU ARE OUT. Once a bullet hits a non-human object, it is dead. You can deflect a ball that comes towards you using a ball in your hands. Once you`re away, you can go back to the line and wait for the next game. Players are allowed to get a ball from the trampoline line that separates each side. No suicide. If a teammate catches an opposing player`s throw, a teammate who has been away the longest can return to the game. A player hits his head while dodging or dodging. You can block a throw with a ball you hold, but you`re still out if: the shot makes you drop the ball, the ball is deflected by the ball you`re holding and still hits you, and your teammate blocks a shot, but he distracts from your teammate`s ball and hits you. Tournament and league matches are subject to rule changes.

As soon as a player is hit, he must leave the field. Each game has a time limit. Always follow all parking rules and flight crew member instructions. Please use the drop-down menu below to familiarize yourself with the rules of each activity. to achieve what you want by breaking the rules or finding smart ways of working, working in compliance with these rules We are called DEFY because that`s what we do. CHALLENGE the limits, CHALLENGE the norm and CHALLENGE the rules of what entertainment can be. In other words, we are not just any old trampoline park. We are a place where adrenaline junkies, extreme sports fans and anyone who just wants to try something new can come and get their kicks and then a few. If there is anyone who is good at breaking the rules, it is children under the age of five. This is especially true if they are required to wear a mask, so we do not require children under the age of 5 to wear one. If you can convince them, more power for you. *Rules may vary depending on local mandates.

Floor markings with recommended social distancing are located throughout the park to queu in the lobby, café and some attractions. Parking capacity will also be reduced and we are asking all guests to adhere to the social distancing standard of 6 feet apart (minimum) at coffee tables, platform benches, mezzanine seating and throughout the park. We have and will continue to tighten our parking rules, including one person per trampoline. If you intentionally break a rule or ignore an order, resist or challenge that rule. The word challenge comes from the Latin word disfidare for “renouncing the faith.” So if you are expected to be faithful to a certain law or rule, but you refuse to be, you oppose it. There are many ways to resist – challenging your parents by staying beyond curfew, or defying common sense by walking in with shoes on your head. Security signs are placed throughout the park. Our staff will be happy to remind you of these rules if you “forget” in flight. To use performance trampolines, you must be confident and demonstrate your ability to perform a backdrop. This area is not designed for new guests or guests with little experience with trampolines.

New visitors to the wall should start with the shortest wall before moving on to the higher walls. The goal is to jump on the trampoline on your back while using your feet to walk on the wall. You need to make sure that you know all the rules before using this attraction. Usually, we are concerned about breaking the rules. But when it comes to the health and safety of our jumpers and observers, we listen to cdc and local government guidelines. Don`t worry – we`ll tell you for sure whenever you`re here. Guests/participants under the age of 18 must have it completed and signed by their parents, guardians or a power of attorney. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS All participants must be at least 5 feet tall and weigh less than 260 pounds. We have it all.

If something happens between now and your booking, we will offer you refunds. Call your local DEVY event coordinator for the latest information. They are truly amazing and ready to take care of you. Send us a private message or come to your local DEFY and ask for a manager. We take care of you. Make the flight time at any time with a flight club membership. Compare our membership packages and sign up today. Find your next park, then head to the runway and say goodbye to gravity, as you`ll be flying high like never before.

The health and safety of our customers and team members remains our top priority. In accordance with guidelines from the CDC and other state health agencies, we have strengthened and expanded our cleanliness efforts to maintain a safe and hygienic parking environment, including but not limited to: formally, so as not to do anything as you were expected to do or as you agreed to embark on fun Halloween games and weekday gifts in October! Don`t worry, we have it all for you. We are renewing all 30-day passes for an additional 30 days when we reopen, no matter how far they were when we closed. Before participating, all guests and accompanying persons assume full responsibility for ensuring the following: The Central Bank naturally does not agree. But it`s hard to know if that`s just because the Fed doesn`t follow a consistent formula. CHECK OUT OUR MEMBERSHIPS TO BE PART OF THE FLIGHT CLUB When someone convicted of a crime relapses, they commit another Flight Club Memberships are packed with benefits and savings ranging from epic to incredible to absolutely incredible. With multiple membership packages to choose from, it`s easy to find the right one for everyone. Compare plans and sign up today to do something that violates a law, agreement, principle, etc.

Visit our park to jump, turn, turn, play and much more. Learn more about our flight ticket options and book your own here Find the answers with Practical English Usage Online, your essential guide to English language problems. As COVID-19 continues to do its job, some DEFY parks have closed and reopened. If you booked a private party but your park was closed, call your local park`s event coordinator. Our event coordinators are ready to take care of you. Formally, doing something that is not allowed by a rule, law or agreement English version of the thesaurus not to obey a law of the rule or an order The Federal Reserve, which was first criticized for raising interest rates too slowly, is now accused by some of raising it too quickly. Don`t worry, we`re not idiots. If you have a recurring payment, you will not be charged until your local DEFY is closed. After reopening, your membership will be reactivated. Health and safety policies are posted at the entrance to all parks to remind guests of the importance of staying healthy and following CDC instructions and recommended preventive measures. In addition, parking hygiene procedures have been strengthened to ensure a safe and hygienic parking environment. The only thing we refuse to play with is the health and safety of your family and our employees.

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