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Tagesarchive: 13. November 2022
Legal Turtles in Singapore
There are several species of turtles that can be found in Singapore. For example, the spiny turtle (Heosemys spinosa) and the Malay softshell (Dogania subplana) are both native to Singapore. That being said, I`ve had butter and cookies for … Weiterlesen
Legal Trading Platform in Malaysia
Most traders in Malaysia and Singapore prefer regulated brokers overseas, as this gives you access to the most liquid tradable markets. Therefore, there are potentially hundreds of platforms to choose from in the online space. Given the global nature … Weiterlesen
Legal to Carry Collapsible Baton
In short, no. As with the legality of these batons in general, there is no specific law or rule that states carrying hidden folding batons are illegal. However, ORS 166.240 has been interpreted by appellate courts as prohibiting the … Weiterlesen
Legal Terms for Plaint
Non-insolvency proceedings in which an applicant or creditor attempts to submit its claim to a debtor`s future wages. In other words, the creditor requests that part of the debtor`s future salary be paid to him for a debt owed … Weiterlesen
Legal Term Possessory Interest
Please pi@sfgov.org send an email so that a member of the Possessory Interests team can search for the feedback number/invoice number for the new/current year. Income-based approach: This is the most commonly used method of valuing a share of … Weiterlesen
Legal Term for Voidable
Pico & Kooker provides practical legal advice in structuring, designing, negotiating, interpreting, managing and executing complex and high-value business transactions. Jonathan is adept at navigating complex environments and has extensive expertise in advising clients on a variety of long- … Weiterlesen
Legal Term for Go after
a legal entity that is not a human being but has many rights and obligations, for example, a company, government agency or NGO that is legally responsible for causing harm or harm to a particular person, so you have … Weiterlesen
Legal Term Cleansing
Crimes against humanity are defined as “any of the following when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population”. The acts include murder, extermination, slavery, deportation, imprisonment, torture, rape (and other gender-based or sexual … Weiterlesen
Legal Technology Services
Legal technology is a type of technology that provides legal services and supports the legal industry. These are usually software instead of traditional hardware such as computers, printers, and scanners, as these are not specific to the legal industry. … Weiterlesen
Legal Talking
In this podcast, Siobhan talks with Paul Finkelman, president of Gratz College, about his book Supreme Injustice: Slavery in the Nation`s Highest Court. Finkelman is a specialist in the history of slavery and the law. He is also the … Weiterlesen